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native plants

Landscaping for privacy should include bushy wildflowers.

Landscaping for Privacy Basically, if you’re lucky, you’ll have awesome neighbors. People who live right near you that you can share space and joy with are a blessing from God. Neighborhood barbecues and tea shared on the porch with people you actually like are amazing gifts. It’s not always that way. Additionally, even folks who […]

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native species plants are beautiful and life supporting.

Native Species Awakening. Gardeners often have an unexpected learning curve when they begin to add native plants to their gardens. In springtime, when native species wildflowers wake up from winter dormancy it can seem underwhelming for a while. The immediate gratification of vegetable gardening and big box store plant shopping are obstacles to true real

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Fall garden plants.

Fall Garden Plants. Fall is really the best time of the year for planting perennials, trees and shrubs. In the spring and summer, plants are concerned with their aerial parts growth and procreation. In the warmer months, plants pay less attention to their root development. There are good reasons to plant during these warm months,

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Native plants in rain gardens flowering in Niskayuna, NY.

Rain Gardens in Niskayuna, NY In beautiful Niskayuna, NY near the Mohawk River, there are a lot of families who have called our company in recent years to create new rain gardens on their wetland adjacent properties. We love this work. Rain gardens are the future of stormwater management. Imagine a system that harnesses nature

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Weeds can be displaced by good soil health practices.

  Continued from Parts 1 + 2. On a hillside in the SUNY Albany neighborhood, our team planned and executed a major transformation and restoration project. This urban garden was devastated by invasive weed infestations. Attention to soil health and quality was the key to the project’s success. After we removed all the invasive plant

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Sustainable landscape design

Sustainable Landscape Development. What an opportunity we all have ahead of us over the next decade. The future is bright. As eastern NY cities, villages and townships begin to consider sustainability in planning, we all win. Over the years, we’ve observed 5 principles for sustainability in garden construction. Removing invasive species, adding only native plants in

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organic soil in the Pinewood neighborhood of Albany, NY.

Organic Soil. The quest to manipulate the land in any facet and call it “gardening” would be shortsighted without attention to the soil condition. Healthy soils beget healthy gardens. Even a more laissez-faire habitat restoration approach like rewilding does require acknowledgment of soil quality as it regards severe mineral deficiencies. There is not a lot

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native plants like Little Joe Pye.

Native Plants: What Are They?   What are native plants? How can you differentiate a native species versus an introduced species? What designates a plant as invasive? Can a native plant be invasive? We consider a plant native to a region if it existed there already before the explorers (like Henry Hudson and Christopher Columbus)

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community education

Community Education   What an amazing time to be working in the green industry! There are daily mainstream media news articles extoling the virtues of sustainable landscaping and organic, native plants gardens. The public is really getting onboard. Our team currently has a collective 39 years of experience as of 2023. When we all started

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New Construction Landscaping New construction landscaping is the best opportunity for habitat restoration. People need homes. The land is disturbed during construction. As soon as the construction phase is over, adding native species trees, shrubs, perennials and native grasses is the way to bring balance to the equation. A good ecological future is possible when

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Scenes from the librarian’s wildlife garden There is a handful of people who were influential back when I was still in school and trying to configure my passion for habitat gardening into a career. One of them was the lovely head research librarian at the community college I then attended; her resourcefulness coupled with a

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Native Plant Garden Projects: This year brought many new native plant garden projects, and many return customers who wanted more projects where mature natural gardening projects exist already. Natural landscaping can be addicting like that, once a person experiences how easy and beautiful native plant garden landscaping is, and how many wonderful creatures show up overnight,

New Native Plant Garden in Saratoga Region Read More »

  Privacy Landscaping in Saratoga Basically, if you’re lucky, you’ll have awesome neighbors. People who live right near you that you can share space and joy with are a blessing from God. Neighborhood barbecues and tea shared on the porch with people you actually like are amazing gifts. It’s not always that way. Additionally, even

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Lake George Rain Gardens

In the spring of 2012, we designed and installed some rain gardens in Lake George. The gardens are at an inn right on the lake. This spring we added more plants into the design. This week I stopped by to see the progress of these Lake George rain gardens one year later. Native plant species

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