Native Species Awakening.

Gardeners often have an unexpected learning curve when they begin to add native plants to their gardens. In springtime, when native species wildflowers wake up from winter dormancy it can seem underwhelming for a while. The immediate gratification of vegetable gardening and big box store plant shopping are obstacles to true real life wildflower cycle appreciation.
Every year our office fields lots of email queries in March and April regarding the spring transition with their native landscaping. There are generally 3 categories of motivations/priorities for gardening. Vegetables, Aesthetics and Ecology. When gardeners who have prioritized food production and/or a cookie cutter aesthetic with introduced plants begin with natives, spring moves differently.
When Woodrow Wilson decreed that Mother’s Day would be at the beginning of May every year, he did us all and the environment an injustice. Classically Mother’s Day is the most major flower bouquet sales day of the entire year, rivaling only Valentine’s Day. Why not have that happen in late August? Organic native species wildflowers are at their peak beauty, freshness and blooming power right then. August and September are really the months to harvest local American flowers. And this is what natural gardeners wait all year for.
How to hire Jessecology for native species landscaping construction projects:
Would you like to explore hiring a professional eco-landscaping design/build company for native garden systems development? We’d love to meet you! Fill out our client intake form and we’ll be in touch.