We’ve begun an exploration series discovering a deeper connection and enjoyment of organic garden systems. Our company has worked with hundreds of local families through the years to do rewilding work, integrating native plants into the tapestry of their land. Creating a functional and biodiverse microclimate right at home. Folks have begun investing in DIY Pollinator Garden projects, and the movement to grow organic edible gardens at home has never been more vibrant.
So. Once the organic garden with beautiful native plants is planted and getting established, what happens next? “Organic Garden as Lifestyle”- what does this mean? A whole new world can open up in front of you. Coldbrew herbal infusion tea is one organic garden as lifestyle project to learn to DIY at home.
Do your own research on edible plants.
Surely, it’s important to do your own research on edible native plants before trying to eat anything.
The answer to, “How do you make coldbrew tea?” Is, “It’s easy!”
-Research the species you’re considering.
-After that, harvest the flower, herb or fruit you want to use.
-Wash material by rinsing.
-Put your harvest in the container of your choice. Then pour tap water in the container and cover it.
-Finally, put the container in the refrigerator for a minimum of 8 hours. (This works great overnight in the summer. Waking up to fresh iced cold brew in July and August is the nicest experience ever…)

Would you like to discuss a habitat restoration landscaping project? Certainly, the Jessecology design/build team would love to meet you. Fill out our customer intake form and then we’ll be in touch soon.