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Hügelkultur Gardens

Hügelkultur Gardens

Hügelkultur garden beds are a German restorative agriculture technique that any homeowner with some extra tree branches and a bit of space can construct. There are many benefits to using this permaculture style of land management. Sinking carbon that may otherwise be considered a waste product is one environmental win. Creating a rich, nutrient dense growing medium for delicious edible plants is another advantage.

Hügelkultur gardens expand your property’s growing season, often by an extra month in the spring and fall. The biodegrading wood material under the surface heats up and creates a warmth that often lasts a decade or more. This recycling venture that couples organic growth with zero carbon footprint practices is an unequivocal triumph of eco-friendly lifestyle.

Raised garden beds are widely beloved for their ability to magically grow excellent quality edible plants. Adding a raised bed gives a gardener absolute control over soil quality. Raised bed development easily differentiates a new organic garden space. And yet, Hügelkultur raised bed method does these things plus a lot more. As it turns out, Hügel beds recycle and repurpose tree waste material. As a result, your property becomes a carbon sink.

Do you have fallen tree debris on your property? Would you like the Jessecology design/build team to create some Hügelkultur garden systems with it? Please fill out our client intake form and we’ll be in touch soon.