Author name: Jesse Peters

Buying native plants & the tree planting service.

Buying Native Plants. Why Buying Native Plants from a Local, Organic Nursery Sets Your Garden Up for Real Success. When you’re planning a native plant garden, where you buy your plants matters—a lot. Sure, mail-order catalogs might seem convenient. But if you’re looking for true success, resilience, and long-term beauty in your landscape, there’s no […]

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Tree frogs are abundant in NYS. Common landscaping mistake to overlook them!

Common Landscaping Mistakes and How to Avoid Them. Common Landscaping Mistakes. Common landscaping mistakes are not common-sense events. Landscaping is an art and a science. A well-planned outdoor space enhances property value, supports biodiversity, and provides long-term beauty with minimal maintenance. However, many homeowners and even some professionals make common landscape mistakes that can lead

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Hibiscus, Black Eyed Susan and Aster.

Cool Plants: Native Species That Bring the Wow Factor. At Jessecology, we’re in love with native plants. They’re beautiful, functional, and a vital part of a thriving ecosystem. But some natives are just plain cool. Today, we’re spotlighting five unforgettable species that make a bold impression in any garden: Little Joe Pye, Rattlesnake Master, Giant

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Cooperating with nature is what permaculture's about.

What Is Permaculture? A Beginner’s Guide to Sustainable Living. Permaculture is a design philosophy that works with nature rather than against it. Rooted in ethics and principles that prioritize sustainability, permaculture integrates agriculture, ecology, and community development to create systems that regenerate rather than deplete resources. Whether you’re growing food, designing a landscape, or planning

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Wildflower seeds

Wildflower Seeds.  How our Wildflower Seeds are different. Most “wildflower seed” mixes available on the market today utilize a blend of annuals + introduced plants, sometimes including a tiny smidgen of the most common indigenous perennial species. In contrast, our small batch, locally grown seed vault is composed of 100% native species perennials, 100% of

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Indoor herb garden scene.

How to Create an Indoor Herb Garden for Year-Round Freshness Indoor herb gardens are a wonderful way to source fresh, organic ingredients into your kitchen all year. Whether you’re an experienced gardener or just starting out, creating an indoor herb garden is easy and rewarding. Additionally, it’s a great step towards sustainability by reducing food

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Pine tree gardening is not for sissies.

Pine Tree Gardens A recent rainy Monday found the Jessecology team on a break near a Pine Forest in the Albany Pinebush Nature Preserve. This nature preserve is a 2-minute walk from the garden we were working in; a 10-minute drive from downtown Albany and 20 minutes from Saratoga. This particular wildlife habitat is a

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Permaculture design considers mineral problems in soils.

Permaculture Design: When Weeds Talk. Continued from the invasive plant series. Part I.  II. III. Permaculture Design re: plant interpretation. Plants spontaneously show up on land and colonize a micro-region sometimes. Usually this is viewed as a headache at best. And yet, using permaculture principles, a weed colony can be interpreted as a communication about

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Why Dandelions are bad.

Why are Dandelions Bad (Or Are They?) Dandelions (Taraxacum officinale) are one of the most recognizable plants in lawns and gardens across North America. But are they truly bad, or just misunderstood? Let’s explore the history of dandelions, their impact on the ecosystem, and why they’re not worth waging war against. The History of Dandelions

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Our Monarch Butterfly Garden Kit is available for purchase now!

Monarch Butterfly Garden Creating the Perfect Monarch Butterfly Garden: Beyond Milkweed Monarch butterflies are one of the most beloved pollinators in our gardens. Of course, they are famous for their epic migration and striking orange and black color schema. To support these beautiful creatures, many people plant Milkweed (Asclepias sp.), which is the essential larval

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New York Ironweed: Natural gardens in Saratoga, NY with native plants like NY Ironweed.

NY Ironweed (Vernonia noveboracenis) NY Ironweed: A Bold Choice for Native Gardens NY Ironweed (Vernonia noveboracensis) is a must-have for anyone restoring habitat and adding stunning beauty to their landscape. This tall, sturdy plant can reach up to 7 feet. Its vivid purple blooms create a bold pop of color in late summer when other flowers

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Do deer eat roses is a question a lot of Rose lovers are asking.

Do Deer Eat Roses? Yes, let’s cut to the chase: deer eat roses. Because of course they do. But that’s the good news- now you don’t have to plant roses. All of a sudden, you’re freed up to do something much cooler in your garden space! Basically, there are much more interesting perennials than Roses. Additionally, most

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ECOS pollinator garden kit: Wildflowers for shade.

Pollinator Garden Kit. Unquestionably, nonprofits in NYS are doing a lot of volunteer work on behalf of the environment right now. Obviously, it’s an exciting time to work in the green industry. We were delighted to be approached by the Niskayuna based Environmental Clearinghouse last year for a successful collaborative effort.  Jessecology’s Pollinator Garden Kits

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Jessecology removes invasive species at the wetland construction site.

Invasive Species in NY + Kindness PRISM At Jessecology, we’ve been conscious of the environmental destruction and devastation that invasive species plants can cause for almost 2 decades. And so, we admire and have huge respect for community resources like PRISM, based out of Cornell Cooperative Extension. All things considered, helping educate the public and

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When you rewild lawns, there's an explosion of life all around!

Rewild Lawns. Rewilding the human spirit. The push to rewild lawns is happening spontaneously as the wild spirit of humans awakens. Rewilding is a wonderful and relaxed form of land management that anyone with plant literacy and land can practice. Essentially it boils down to removing any invasive plants and letting the natural seed bank

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A Elfin butterfly on Rattlesnake Master native plant in the butterfly nurseries.

Butterfly Nurseries. Butterfly Nurseries: Healing the Ecosystem One Garden at a Time Imagine transforming your yard into a sanctuary where butterflies thrive, and the environment begins to heal itself. With a “butterfly nursery” in your garden, you can do just that. This concept goes beyond simply planting a few flowers—it’s about creating a habitat that

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Sugar Maple trees are beautiful and eco-beneficial.

Sugar Maple Tree Sugar maple trees (Acer saccharum) are iconic North American trees known for their stunning fall foliage and sap used to produce maple syrup. Here are some key details about sugar maple trees: Sugar Maple Characteristics Size and Growth: Sugar maples can grow to heights of 60-75 feet, with some reaching up to

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What are the benefits of buying native plants? Because they're the most beautiful plants in the world! For wherever you are.

Benefits of Native Plants: Why use native plants? Top 5 Benefits of Native Plants. Biodiversity: Planting native species helps to support and enhance local biodiversity. Natives provide food and habitat for a variety of insects, birds, and other wildlife species that are adapted to your region. By creating a diverse and balanced ecosystem in your

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protect native plants from deer

  Protecting Plants from Deer. The Mild Winter Affect. Altogether the mild winter this year gave way to an exploding mammal population in spring. Undoubtedly there are more chipmunks, squirrels, rabbits, woodchucks, skunks and deer than normal. A seasonally typical year results in some natural checks and balances to wildlife populations. Conversely, a snowstorm absent

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Habitat restoration landscaping

Habitat Restoration Landscaping: Rebuilding Ecosystems One Yard at a Time Habitat restoration landscaping is an effective way to support biodiversity, rebuild ecosystems, and promote environmental sustainability. As urbanization continues to expand, natural habitats are disappearing. By restoring landscapes with native plants and sustainable practices, homeowners, businesses, and communities can help reverse this trend. What is

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