garden design in Saratoga

Shade gardens Goatsbeard.

Shade Gardens in NY Recently we designed and built new shade gardens in Saratoga Springs, NY. There was a small, disorganized collection of existing shrubs and perennials in one established bed by the patio. This garden was adjacent to a woodland area that we rewilded into relaxed shade gardens. For that reason, many shade tolerant […]

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Native Plant Garden Projects: This year brought many new native plant garden projects, and many return customers who wanted more projects where mature natural gardening projects exist already. Natural landscaping can be addicting like that, once a person experiences how easy and beautiful native plant garden landscaping is, and how many wonderful creatures show up overnight,

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eco-friendly garden

Eco Friendly Garden in Saratoga In July of 2013 we designed and installed an eco friendly garden in Saratoga Springs, NY. The new, eco friendly landscaping is mostly located in the front yard of the property, and it’s really developed into something beautiful this year. We decided to create a formal garden theme to fit

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