
Aromatic aster is the best fall perennial plant to plant.

Perennials to plant in fall.  Book an estimate now. Cooperate with nature. When you plant your garden in fall, you mimic nature’s rhythm exactly. Cooperating with nature makes all the garden work much easier. In autumn, the visible parts of perennials are beginning to go dormant. But underground? The roots are stimulated by the lower […]

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Fall garden plants.

Fall Garden Plants. Fall is really the best time of the year for planting perennials, trees and shrubs. In the spring and summer, plants are concerned with their aerial parts growth and procreation. In the warmer months, plants pay less attention to their root development. There are good reasons to plant during these warm months,

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Ease up on the yard work.

Ease up on the yard work. It’s just kinder. “Yard Work.” This time of year, people wear themselves and each other out with yardwork. There’s raking and activity with leaf blowers. And then folks cut every green, soft tissue stem possible down to the ground. It really needs to stop. The incessant fixation on neatness

Ease up on the yard work. It’s just kinder. Read More »