Tree Planting Service

Tree Planting Service: Native Trees To-Go.

Bringing new large trees to client’s locations is one of our team’s favorite ecosystem building projects. And it’s an activity with a dynamic positive effect afterwards. New native trees offer life-saving benefits to songbirds, caterpillars, keystone pollinating insects and humans. So how does it happen?

First, we meet with you to storyboard the mature tree planting process. Where would you want the new trees? What kind of native trees will thrive in your unique site conditions? Do you want a photo with one of our team members where you pretend to be the tree? There’re more questions to review, but these are a good starting reference point.

The tree planting process is fun. At the beginning of the day, there is a blank slate canvas of ground. Then, voila! The tree appears! Like this 20-foot-tall River Birch (Betula nigra) planted by our team in Saratoga County this past fall. River Birch is a great fit for a wet site. It will even thrive in a wetland type area or rain garden setting. (“River” in the name denotes a love of water.)

Would you like to discuss tree planting service for your property? We’d love to meet you. Fill out our client intake form and we’ll be in touch soon.