Rain Gardens in Niskayuna, NY

In beautiful Niskayuna, NY near the Mohawk River, there are a lot of families who have called our company in recent years to create new rain gardens on their wetland adjacent properties. We love this work.
Rain gardens are the future of stormwater management. Imagine a system that harnesses nature to re-engineer a site to capture and sequester toxic runoff before it even starts. And habitat restoration with native plants for butterfly + pollinator gardens are part of the package? Rain gardens are the answer to many of the “wet soil problem area” questions.
Designing and building new rain gardens is exhilarating. The visual transformation and increased wildlife carrying capacity is astonishing to witness. When people who have never had hummingbirds on their property start seeing them daily, it’s a life changing experience. When land that was formerly wet in a boring way becomes organized, productive and beautiful the property feels bigger and more like a park.
So, the process of creating a system of connected organic rain gardens through the wetlands of Schenectady + Albany counties has begun. It’s our dream to design and build hundreds more in the coming years. Organic rain gardens with native plants function like amusement parks for our butterfly, pollinator, songbird and other wildlife species. So much beauty and life motion are the best investment for a home.
Want to join your neighbors in experiencing a native plant landscaping transformation? We’d love to meet you, fill out our customer intake form now.