Do Deer Eat Mums?

Do Deer Eat Mums?

Do deer eat Mums?
The deer are hungry. With voracious appetites, they eat and eat. (Photo credit.)

The answer to the question, “Do deer eat Mums?” Is a quick, “Yes.” Of course, they do. Why wouldn’t they? They’re hungry and Mums are abundant, freshly planted and bland as heck.

Why do you want to plant Mums anyway?

Here’s a better question. “Why do you want to plant Mums anyway?” Chrysanthemums are indigenous to East Asia and parts of Europe. There’s no benefit to the ecosystem here in planting them. To be fair, the true species Chrysanthemum specimens planted in their home countries would benefit the wildlife there. But the hybridized, cultivar Mums sold in American garden centers are completely sterile. They have zero pollen or nectar to share with our region’s songbirds and butterflies.

Peak Migration Habitat Heroes.

It’s peak migration season when you’re thinking about acquiring your Mums. Why not purchase some native species Asters instead? There are lots of Asters with a similar habit to Mums. They bloom at the same time, generous with high quality pollen and nectar. Additionally, out of the approximately 30+ Aster species available for sale, several of them are of low interest to deer.

Aster species New England Aster.
New England Aster may be the best known- and least understood- native Aster species. It’s great for supporting migrating Monarch butterflies.

Mums are boring.

It’s true that mums, especially the more common varieties, can feel a bit overused or predictable in gardens. Their widespread popularity often leads to a sense of sameness, and they don’t offer much in terms of supporting biodiversity, unlike native perennials. If you’re looking to bring more excitement and ecological value to your garden, swapping out mums for native wildflowers can create a much more dynamic, habitat-friendly space. Plants like Little Joe Pye, smaller deer resistant Asters, and Rudbeckia not only provide seasonal color but also attract pollinators like bees and butterflies, making your garden come alive with activity and beauty!

Mums contribute to the environmental problem of Soil Loss.

Perennial wildflowers are very good for the environment for many reasons, their root stability being a major feature. Native plant roots often reach down into the ground 5x the aerial height! They stay put and mitigate erosion over years and decades. In contrast, growing annual, introduced flowers is bad for soil stability. Ripping annuals out by the roots every year increases erosion damage, nutrient loss and soil degradation. Only rarely do Mums grow as perennials. Certainly, most sites where Mums are planted, they’re also ripped back out of the ground as annuals. Mums corporately contribute to the environmental problem of soil loss heavily.

How to hire Jessecology for a Deer Resistant Garden construction project.

You live in NYS and want some professional help designing a deer resistant landscape installation. We’d love to help! Fill out our customer intake form and we’ll be in touch soon.

How to purchase some Wildflower Seed the Deer will love:

It’s not for everyone but some people decide to re-direct the deer to one area of their property where they plant deer’s favorite stuff. A strategy of kindness and welcoming. You want to try this? Find the wildflowers for deer seed right here.