Natural Tick Repellent.

Making your own natural tick repellent to use during gardening is extremely easy. It’s inexpensive too. You have the choice of different essential oil brands, some of them are more or less pricey. If your plan for using your blend mostly involves spraying your clothing and shoes before gardening, do you really need more than a lower tier cost oil?
Natural Tick Repellent: Do it yourself!
We use 4 essential oils in the custom house blend. Lemongrass, Cedarwood, Geranium and Eucalyptus are great choices. There are lots of other oils people choose for insect repellant purposes. In our experience, Lavendar and Peppermint are very lovely essential oils, both useful in other ways. But for insect protection in the garden, we rely on our steady 4 previously mentioned. iHerb is a great online retail option for bath and beauty products. NOW Foods is an affordable brand of essential oils that performs adequately for organic bug spray on clothing.
This custom blend of oils results in a rustic, woody but fresh aroma. If you want people to exclaim, “You smell amazing!” All summer long even after garden work, wearing these oils are a great decision. We use distilled water, but regular tap water also works fine. The oils are very concentrated distillations. Certainly, you can choose to use more or less drops per container for a stronger concentration. Undoubtedly you may be surprised how even one, or several drops spreads aromatically through the entire concentrate.
Many members of the Jessecology Stewardship Program already received or will receive natural tick repellent as a gardening gift this year. Thank you for trusting us to steer your garden’s development into maturity! The essential oil spray is also available for sale in our holiday eco-gift bundle. (Just note “Eco-Bug Spray” in the order form.)