
Plants deer eat include a lot of native wildflowers and of course, hosta.

Plants Deer Eat.   Plants Deer Eat: A Permaculture Approach to Managing Deer in Your Garden Altogether, one of the most persistent challenges is managing gardens gracefully with deer populations nearby. While these elegant creatures are a beautiful part of the ecosystem, they can also wreak havoc on carefully curated gardens. For those who want […]

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protect native plants from deer

  Protecting Plants from Deer. The Mild Winter Affect. Altogether the mild winter this year gave way to an exploding mammal population in spring. Undoubtedly there are more chipmunks, squirrels, rabbits, woodchucks, skunks and deer than normal. A seasonally typical year results in some natural checks and balances to wildlife populations. Conversely, a snowstorm absent

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Do deer eat pumpkins?

Do Deer Eat Pumpkins?   Do deer eat pumpkins? This question is not so flippantly dismissed as the Deer + Mums query. Because pumpkins are amazing. Whether you love pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin cheesecake, pumpkin bread, roasted pumpkin seeds or just a happy orange globe of decoration you can’t do fall without the pumpkins. We

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