Lemon Grass Tea

Lemon Grass Tea.

Lemon Grass tea can be added to a mojito. Why not?
Lemon Grass tea could probably be added to a mojito. But is it healthy?

Lemon Grass Tea is popular for various reasons. Medical research does not indicate that using this tea results in any benefits. Nevertheless, people seem to love it. But should they?

Of course, Thai food is amazing. Undeniably, the zing in Thai food from zesty Lemongrass is a highlight to the cuisine. Undoubtedly the refreshing taste of the spice is drawing folks to investigate the tea as a beverage option. Additionally, the purported health benefits of the tea sound astonishing. For example, drinking Lemongrass tea is supposed to help people lose weight, be anti-inflammatory and boost immunity. What’s more, people believe that it’s a sleep aid and digestion booster.

Unquestionably, you will be better off if you avoid experimenting with this herbal tea. Most herbs tend to be loaded with heavy metals from the soils. Also, people didn’t invent pesticides: plants did. Altogether, plants only defense mechanism is to stay put and do chemical warfare. Confusing spicy flavors as “healthy” is a mistake. By and large, “addictive” may be an applicable term. Nicotine is a pesticide. Caffeine is a pesticide. Inevitably, a delicious, spicy flavor is probably not good to consume long-term.

Certainly, brewing lemongrass tea via the coldbrew infusion method is safer than traditional hot infusion tea style. Cold brewing is gentle. The plant chemicals don’t seep into your drink so much.

Whether you spell it Lemongrass tea or "Lemon Grass tea," this is a popular drink.

The benefits of drinking lemongrass tea are questionable. Use caution and proceed at your own risk. Choosing cautionary love for your liver may just prevent an injury and untold worlds of mysterious suffering.