Do Plants Have Feelings?

Do plants have feelings?

The mystery intrigues gardeners, ecologists, and anyone who spends time in nature. Ancient Christian legends teach that nature did not experience the fall of man. Thus, the earth’s flora and fauna still exist in a pristine state of paradise. While plants don’t have souls like humans, they exhibit fascinating responses to their environment. Obviously, plants are sentient beings in their own right.

Do plants have feelings? Yes, about plant things.

Plants have “feelings” about plant-centric concerns.

First, it’s important to understand that plants don’t care about people. They aren’t interested in or motivated by human affairs. Instead, their focus is entirely on their own survival. Plants prioritize how to successfully make their own living in the world. They constantly seek the sunlight necessary for photosynthesis, which is how they eat. Each leaf and stem are designed to maximize the collection of sunlight, enabling the plant to grow and thrive.

Plants’ Feelings about Existence.

Reproduction is also central to a plant’s existence. Whether through seeds, roots or other means, plants care deeply about continuing their lineage. They employ various strategies to ensure their offspring have the best chance of survival. For instance, some plants produce fragrant flowers to attract pollinators. Others release seeds that travel on the wind or stick to passing animals. These processes aren’t driven by “feelings”, but they reveal an intense concentrated focus on life and continuity.

do plants have feelings? Animals definitely do.

Wildlife + pets in Paradise, right on earth.

In animals, both wildlife and even domesticated pets, observing the continued “state of paradise” is easy. With plant life you are forced to engage your imagination, but the concept carries to flora-world. Animals move in harmony with the eco-space around them, unaffected by guilt or shame. Wildlife follows the nature’s circadian rhythm seamlessly. Farm animals and house pets live in the moment with no concept of time. As much as this is true, staring into the eyes of any feral cat will net a fleeting glimpse of paradise. Contrarily, people get to witness the human distance from “the garden of life” when wildlife flees our presence. Plants have this faraway meta-space too. Certainly, it takes commitment, flexibility, creative open-mindedness to observe.

Do plants have feelings?

Science also indicates that plants communicate in mysterious ways. For example, trees share nutrients through their roots and send chemical signals to warn each other of danger. This interconnectedness resonates with the theory of a world still graced by paradise, even if plants are not anthropomorphically cognizant.


Above all, anthropomorphizing plants won’t lead to a true understanding of who and what plants actually are. This term refers to the phenomenon of attributing human characteristics, emotions, or behaviors to non-human entities, such as animals, plants, or inanimate objects. Plants certainly don’t have human feelings. Yet undeniably they are mixing it up out there. They “feel” things in plant ways and take actions to meet their own goals. Straightaway, watch them thrive, reproduce, and contribute to the beauty and balance of the natural world. By nurturing our gardens, we engage with this paradise, fostering life in harmony with creation.

Support a small business and transform your garden into a paradise at the same time.

Purchase Jessecology hand collected native wildflower seeds today and help restore our natural habitats! Bring nature home.

How to hire Jessecology for your paradise-on-earth gardens project:

We’d love to meet you! Certainly, our team can design + build a beautiful natural garden for your Saratoga, Albany, or Niskayuna region home or business. (And further south in the offseason.) Please fill out our customer intake form, and we’ll be in touch soon.

Nodding Onion Flower responds to the question, "Do plants have feelings?"