Wildflower Seed Sowing Instructions.

To be sure: you’ve asked and now we’re responding. Here are the wildflower seed sowing instructions you need to grow native plants at home! To begin with, you will want a 5-gallon bucket and some organic compost or topsoil for best results. Put your compost or soil in the bucket. Pour the wildflower seeds in next. Add a small amount of water and mix until there is a mud like consistency.
If you purchased a large amount, a pound of seeds for example, you would need to repeat the process over several bucket mixtures.
How thickly, or thinly to spread your seeds is a subjective decision. An ounce can cover an area between 50-300 sq ft. A half pound can cover up to half an acre, with better concentration on a smaller area. Same formula for an acre, with a pound. Perennial wildflowers tend to have lower germination rates than annuals. If this is your first experience growing perennials from seed, be patient. What you’re actually doing is investing in your property’s seed bank: you will be surprised by these plants in future years to come even if they are slow to start now. Spread the seed/soil mud mix onto your bare ground. If you’re spreading the seeds in spring or summer, it’s recommended to water them a couple times a week. If spread in fall or winter, just enjoy the process.
Wildflower seed sowing instructions for containers is similar with some nuances.
Thanks for checking out the Jessecology Wildflower Seed Sowing Instructions. Here’s hoping your wildflower seeds grow into a beautiful native plant filled nature preserve right at home.