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Winter Seed Sowing Projects


Why Seed Sow Wildflowers?

Certainly, for hope. In the northeast, winter’s dreary cold can almost make us forget the glorious spectacle and fun of summer. A close connection to the land and growing things starts to feel like a distant memory. As a result, many gardeners and nature lovers overcome this by engaging in winter seed sowing projects. There are several styles of winter seed sowing, including the uncomplicated free throwing version demonstrated by my farmer friend in the photo above, with Eupatorium dubium seeds.

No Wrong Way to Sow Wildflower Seeds.

There’s really no wrong way to do this method of wildflower seed sowing, as long as seeds are spread early enough in the season to allow the process of stratification (and/or scarification)- the freezing and thawing to crack the tough perennial seed hull- to complete. When spreading seeds freely outside in the winter, we are always careful to limit our species choices to wildflowers native to New York state, because native plants begin the process of habitat restoration by supplying food to our native wildlife.


Container Planting Style.

Another, more controlled method of winter seed sowing is a simple project utilizing the clear plastic containers that salad greens come in. Some people also use milk gallons and clear soda bottles. This works by creating a modified greenhouse effect. Consequently, the environment inside the plastic container warms up and accentuates the sunlight each day. Different from commercial greenhouses by a magnitude of size, these tiny units work, nonetheless. Basically, holes must be cut into the tops and bottoms of each container for ventilation and drainage purposes. Lastly, a fine layer of soil or other light organic potting material is layered with seeds and hope.

20140130-191030.jpg It’s exciting to know the quiet process of seed germination is happening right on our back porch through winter. Our favorite plant species native to Albany + Saratoga, NY are represented including Vernonia noveboracensis (NY Ironweed), Asclepias incarnata (classic Monarch butterfly larval host plant, Swamp Milkweed), Eupatorium perfoliatum (Boneset), Lobelia cardinalis (Cardinal flower) and Eupatorium maculata (Joe Pye Weed). A project like this has no guarantee on success, in fact it feels a lot like a crap shoot. Regardless of the outcome though, winter seed sowing projects are fun. They enlarge our imagination’s space for daydreams of nature, and they make spring feel that much closer.

Purchase Wildflower Seed Mixes Right Here.